Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Tuesday, September 8, 2009
Gint-A-Cuffs - Past Tense
I need that extra time to rest up from that wonderful vacation to the Bahamas that was provided to me by the (soon to be) winner. I can't, by law, reveal his (or her) name at the moment, but it will soon surface.
Sunday, September 6, 2009
The hype seems to have died down some, and perhaps next time the window to scan and post scores will be shorter than 2 months.
I would like to thank Topps for sponsoring this contest, and providing a prize for the winner. Along with Topps, I would also like to thank everyone who participated in Gint-A-Cuffs I. It was a rousing success, and that would not have been possible without your support.
Oh yeah, and a special thanks to the Commish as well. Once this contest started, I only wanted to be a regular ol' competitor, and thanks to Mark, I was able to do that. He dealt with all the scoring controversies and was responsible for the Topps sponsorship. So thank you Mark, and I hope you enjoyed the Erskines I sent as a bribe... I mean payment.
Friday, August 21, 2009
What? Art Thou Bored?
It's not really about any of that, but at least there's a prize.
There's still 2 weeks left to get your box breaks tallied and posted. I will not be accepting a prize, even if I am the high scorer, so now the score to beat is a respectable 333, which has been put up by Nachos Grande. It wouldn't look right if I accepted a prize after making up the rules. Commish or no Commish, it's about protecting the integrity of the game.
If I were a betting man (and I'm not), I would bet the house on PunkRockPaint taking home the prize. He's been too quiet about it since coming out of the gates with his pistols a blazin'.
Monday, August 10, 2009
Half Way Through
Keep the boxes ripping and the calculators humming. I'm already starting to verify some of the posted scores.
Remember, bribes are still being accepted.
Contact me at:
The Commissioner
1 Gint-A-Cuffs Plaza
My Little City, My Little World
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
Leader Board
- 347 - Beardy (Beardy's Baseball Blog) - Nick Markakis/Oriole
- 333 - FanofReds (Nachos Grande) - Joey Votto/Reds
- 304 - Ryan (Card Cache) - Jay Bruce/Reds
- 293 - Motherscratcher (Achiever Card Blog) - Grady Sizemore/Indians
- 274 - John (Old School Breaks) - Mariano Rivera/Yankees
- 273 - Sharpe (Sharpe Since 92) - Ryan Braun/Brewers
- 268 - Night Owl (Night Owl Cards) - Clayton Kershaw/Dodgers
- 267 - Loi (Boxopener) - Hanley Ramirez/Red Sox
- 259 - whodidthewhatnow (Who Did The What Now?) - David Wright/Mets
- 247 - Drew (drewscards) - Derek Jeter/Yankees
- 247 - Mark (Sac Bunt) - Tim Lincecum/Orioles
- 234 - thehamiltonian (The Hamiltonian) - Josh Hamilton/Toronto Blue Jays
- 231 - MdBirdFan (Ryan's Memorabilia) - Nick Markakis/Orioles
- 195 - Dan (Saints of the Cheap Seats) - Brian McCann/Indians
Zach (Coolio Cards) - Evan Longoria/Rays
John (Sac Bunt) - Joe Mauer/Twins
Chris (Sac Bunt) - Brian Roberts/Orioles
Captain Canuck (Waxaholic) - Adam LaRoche/Braves
Travis (PunkRockPaint) - Adrian Gonzalez/Padres
Dayf (Cardboard Junkie) - Chipper Jones/Braves
gritz76 (Project '62) - Geovany Soto/Cubs
Ben (Cardboard Icons) - Dustin Pedroia/Red Sox
Dan (The Other World) - Chase Utley/Phillies
lonestarr (behind these hazel eyes) - Kosuke Fukudome/Cubs
insearchofpatthebat (insearchofpathtebat) - Pat Burrell/Phillies
I have not yet verified these scores and I'm taking the contestants' word that they are correct. The scores will be verified, but we're not even half way through the Gint-A-Cuff season, so hold your horses. Or cool your jets, depending on your personal mode of transportation.
Contestants, please make sure that you are posting your results in the manner specified by the ever changing official rules.
If I've overlooked something, I would ask for forgiveness. I didn't know what was in that syringe. Honestly, I didn't.
- Updated on July 30 to include Sharpe, who finished his scoring.
- Updated on July 31 to pacify Sharpe, who wanted to be included in the correct position. My apologies. My webmonkey has been staying up too late, watching Jimmy Fallon, hoping that he'll actually perform a comedy bit, got tired and careless. I'm going to ration his caffeine and banana intake this weekend.
- Updated on August 10 to accommodate FanofReds, who broke his second box with now the second highest score. (Psst. Slip me some cardboard and I'll "find" a problem with Beardy's total.)
Monday, July 27, 2009
Box Topper Rulings
+8 Cabinet Card Box Topper
+20 N43 Relics
+30 N43 Autographs
+50 N43 Autograph Relic
+20 N43 of your favorite player
+75 Michael Phelps Autograph Boxloader
Friday, July 24, 2009
Sponsor's Prize Announced
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
Commissioner's Ponderings
+12 Short Printed Relic (usually non-baseball)
+18 Silk
+20 Printing Plate
+25 Group A Autograph
+25 Rip Card
+200 DNA Relic
+5 N43 Box Topper
+8 Cabinet Card Box Topper
+10 N43 of player from "favorite players" list
+20 N43 of your favorite player
+20 N43 Relics
+30 N43 Autographs
+50 N43 Autograph Relic
+75 Michael Phelps Autograph Boxloader
x2 If any of those pulls are of a player from your favorite team
- say I pulled a Josh Hamilton Sketch card, is there a multiplier for him being my favorite player? All I see is the X10 for 'Hits' but I don't know if the sketch insert is a hit.
- World's Biggest Hoaxes are listed at +5pts. I've landed 2 of the mini variety. Is there a bonus for this?
- What if someone pulls a no number mini card that is also technically a short print? Isn't it already being considered a short print for being a no number? If it isn't numbered 301-350 (since there's no number at all) does that count?
- National Heroes are listed at +5pts. Same question as before, I've landed 2 of the mini variety. Is there a bonus for this?
- Nextly. Negro League Stars are now worth +2 points for base cards. What about mini Negro League Stars?
- Over to the sketch cards, I've landed a player from the favorite player list. Is there a bonus or is it still just +5? I know there is still a Yankees penalty here.
Monday, July 20, 2009
Gint-A-Cuffs now sponsored by Topps

I'll reveal the prize shortly, but I wanted to thank Topps for their generosity.
Saturday, July 18, 2009
Red Ink Autos
- Any single Red Ink Auto shall be worth +42 points. Standard bonus point and anti-bonus point adjustments will apply.
Thursday, July 16, 2009
Code Card Scoring and stuff
- "Crack the Code" player cards shall be scored as 2 points. Standard bonuses and anti-bonuses apply.
There is some discussion on the blogs about what a "Short Printed Relic (usually non-baseball)" is. I'm having difficulty tracking down the cards that are in each group.
Birthday boy, Mr. Owl, provided some of the odds of pulling various relics. I will reprint (without his permission) his observations...
Framed relic:
Group A: 1 in 100
Group B: 1 in 215
Group C: 1 in 39
Group D: 1 in 17
Framed auto:
Group A: 1 in 2,730
Group B: 1 in 51
Framed red autograph:
1 in 1,801
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
Commissioner's Thoughts - All-Star Legends & Celebrity Softball Game edition
Saturday, July 11, 2009
(some) Scoring Updated
- Negro League Players cards shall count as +2 points.
- Extinct Creatures cards shall count for +11 points.
- Silk (or cloth) cards shall count as +18 points.
- If a card is valued at an odd number of points before having to divide it by 2, as in the case of most Yankee cards, the final number shall be rounded up to the nearest whole number. Example: pre division card value is 5, divided by 2 equal 2.5, rounded up is 3. My abacus doesn't do fractions.
- A player will be identified with a team based on the uniform (jersey, hat, whatever) that is shown on that card.
- The New York Yankees sketch card shall not incur "pile on penalties" for having multiple Yankees players represented.
Thursday, July 9, 2009
Commissioner Update
Beardy brought up a point about silk cards being a tough pull, yet he only assigned them the same points as an autograph. This will be corrected.
I was wondering if a commissioner has been appointed for the upcoming Gint-A-Cuffs?
I would be willing to be appointed. I can be impartial (unless payoffs are involved) and can be slightly witty.
Both attributes are necessary for an event of this magnitude. Please consider me for this position.
My requirements would be an apartment in New York, a driver and a weekly stipend of a few packs.
You're a tough negotiator. Here's my final offer.
1. A day to myself in the Topps archive, with a small briefcase that will not be searched when the day ends.
2. A fried egg sandwich upon request. Bacon optional.
3. My name in lights above Broadway.
Should these demands, err, requests not be possible, I would be forced to accept the position 'pro bono' (not to be confused with Sonny Bono).
The announcement has already been made, so it looks like Sonny Bono it might have to be.
Thanks for volunteering to oversee this fiasco, there are so many rules I'm sure some sort of authority will be needed.
Comments and Responses
The Commissioner replys:
Good idea on the Spring Training ruling. Practice makes perfect. I'll hop over there soon.
- dayf said...
Hey commish - I'd like to propose a late addition to the scoring: Negro League players get a point or two.
I didn't realize there would be any in this set or I would have suggested it earlier. Since I have already opened three packs out of my box (I'm going to see how long I can go with a ration of three per day before I freak and rip the whole box) I am willing to forfeit any Negro league bonus out of my box. I just want the Negro leaguers to get the recognition they deserve.
Dayf, that is a nice idea. Do you know how many and which are the Negro League cards? We all need to be on the same page with clear guidelines. I don't think that you would (or should) forfeit any of those points.
- cardboardicons said...
Oooh, got a scoring question: opened a Box Loader of Japan Advancing to the World BasebLL Classic finals. Daisuke Matsuzaka (Red Sox) is pictured Does this count as a point since "my" team is the Sox? For the record, Matsuzaka is in a Japan uni.
I'd have to rule that a player must appear in the jersey of the team that is "yours." Matsuzaka, in this instance, represents Japan, so no points for you.
- cardboardicons said...
Oooh, another: Derek Jeter Brian Kong insert ...
- The Commissioner replys:
- Plus points for the Kong, minus points for the Yankee.
- cardboardicons said...
AND ANOTHER: Old Faithful is an SP, So are we talking 5 pts for the SP, then minus 1 for the fact that it is Old fAITHFUL?
I have yet to see a definitive Short Print list. A ruling will come forth when all the facts have been collected.
- cardboardicons said...
And Crack the Code parallels?
Again, I haven't seen any Crack the Code parallels. Do you have a list?
- beardy said...
How do you know Old Faithful is a short print? I haven't found a short print list yet for this set, unfortunately.
The Commish is gonna be busy! - The Commissioner replys:
- Word!
- cardboardicons said...
Well, we're assuming 301-350 are SPs, which appears to be the case since they apparently fall one every 2 packs.
I've got the first of three boxes posted and scored (unofficially). Does that look right? - The Commissioner replys:
- I'll take a look shortly. Patience, my friend.
- Lonestarr said...
I think we're gonna need a bigger commish.
Or more commishes. Or something. The lack of sleep and Ginternet fumes are making me dizzy.
I'm looking into appointing a deputy commissioner or a small committee to help me out with the difficult issues that will arise during Gint-A-Cuffs.
Topps, at this time, doesn't have an official checklist for this set. I've taken the one that DACardWorld.com has on their site, but it is missing a few insert sets, has a few card numbers missing and quite a few To Be Determineds. Ebay, and now the Gint-A-Cuffs community, seems to be the place for information.
Speaking of Ebay (see, I can segue as well), I saw a new Extinct Creature. Xerexes Blue (butterfly). That brings my count up to five Extinct Creatures.
Thanks for participating.
Wednesday, July 8, 2009
New Subset, New Points

Who's It Gonna Be?

Wonder who's gonna be the first one to post a break? I smell a sidebet. Any takers?
Gambling is a very serious problem. Don't gamble.
Tuesday, July 7, 2009
GINT-A-CUFFS Finalized Rules & Roster

The deadline to enter has now expired, and the field is locked. I must say that 22 people is way more than I ever expected to sign up. This is truly going to be a battle for the ages! All that's left is finalizing the rules. I've been continually updating them pretty much since day 1, and now they are extremely long, complicated, and PERFECT! I decided to take it a bit easy on Yankees fans. If your favorite player is a Yankee, you will still get FULL points for that player ONLY. It just wouldn't be fair if someone's favorite player is Derek Jeter, and they didn't get the maximum points possible for pulling a card of his. It's thrilling to pull a card of your favorite player no matter what, and I'm not gonna be the one to try and kill that.
Also, the Commish and I have decided that the window to post any official Gint-A-Cuffs breaks will be Labor Day, which is September 7, 2009. Each contestant can post a MAXIMUM of 2 boxes towards the official scoring, and only the box with the higher score will count.
There has been some talk of a potential prize for the winner, aside from getting their face on the Gint-A-Cuffs Champion custom Allen & Ginter card. The reason for the Labor Day cutoff date is to allow time for potential scoring to be secured.
Much like with the Turk-Off, when you have this many rules, you need someone impartial to uphold them, and settle any disputes. Mark of the fabulous Mark's Ephemera will be serving as Commissioner for the first ever Gint-A-Cuffs battle, and is here to settle any and all disputes over scoring. I am also going to ask him to look over everyone's entries, and double check their math.
How to post your results:
If you followed the Turk-Off, we are going to be using the exact same format. Please go pack by pack and list every card. Only those cards worth positive points need to be scanned and posted, and I encourage everyone to be honest. No combining hits from multiple boxes, or forgetting to list out those Yankees or Eric Byrnes cards that cost you some points. We're all professionals here, and even though this is war, there are rules here. After all, this isn't Nam!
Below are the finalized scoring rules, and the "Favorite Players" list. Please remember that you get points for ANY player on the list, even if they aren't YOUR favorite. The official roster on the sidebar, will be modified into a scoreboard, and will contain a link back to this post for quick access to the scoring criteria, as well as links to your entries, once they're posted. Everything will also be posted HERE, which is the official Gint-A-Cuffs site. If you need one easy location for all things Gint-A-Cuffs, this is the place.
We should all be receiving our Allen & Ginter boxes in the mail this week (I sure hope anyway) and it's about to be on bitches! Best of luck to everyone, and it'll definitely be interesting to see who is left standing as the grand champion once the dust has settled.
OFFICIAL SCORING (still being tweaked)
0 base card
+1 Favorite Team base card
-1 Yankee base card
-1 points if we pull base card of ....Eric Byrnes, Bobby Crosby, Scott Olsen, Jeff Clement, Kenji Johjima, Tom Gorzelanny
+2 Beard & Mustache Champion base card
+3 YOUR favorite player base card
+5 Short printed base card (301-350!)
+2 "Crack the Code" player card (excludes "Crack the Code" promo cards)
0 for base
+3 Beard & Mustache Champion mini (#61, Burke Kenny)
+3 Mini of player from "favorite players" list (see above)
+5 Mini of YOUR favorite player
+20 Bazooka Back mini
+7 Mini short print (301-350!)
-1 points for pulling mini (any variation) of Suez Canal, Milky Way, Old Faithful, Electron (because what the heck are you going to do with that)
+6 YOUR favorite player
SUBTRACT 1 FOR ANY YANKEE ON FAVORITE PLAYER LIST ex: Jeter: +4 (Favorite List) minus 1 (Yankee) = 3pts
+10 Inventions of the Future
+8 Cabinet Card Box Topper
+20 N43 Relics
+30 N43 Autographs
+50 N43 Autograph Relic
+20 N43 of your favorite player
+75 Michael Phelps Autograph Boxloader
+12 Short Printed Relic (usually non-baseball)
+18 Silk
+20 Printing Plate
+25 Group A Autograph
+25 Rip Card
+200 DNA Relic
x2 If any of those pulls are of a player from your favorite team
- Ryan Braun
- Jay Bruce
- Pat Burrell
- Kosuke Fukudome
- Adrian Gonzalez
- Josh Hamilton
- Derek Jeter
- Chipper Jones
- Clayton Kershaw
- Adam LaRoche
- Tim Lincecum
- Evan Longoria
- Brian McCann
- Nick Markakis
- Joe Mauer
- Dustin Pedroia
- Hanley Ramirez
- Mariano Rivera
- Brian Roberts
- Grady Sizemore
- Geovany Soto
- Chase Utley
- Joey Votto
- David Wright
Who's face will grace this card? IT'S TIME TO FIND OUT!

Hey Commish!
I need a Spring Training ruling over on my blog, Card Cache. I broke 4 packs of 2009 A&G I picked up for fun waiting for my boxes to arrive, and decided to do some Gint-A-Cuffs scoring practice. If you would be so kind as to help me out, perhaps your wishlist will become smaller?