Here's Brian's request of me...
Mark, I got the box today.Little does he know that there isn't that much hard work at all. I roughed up some scoring rules, let the participants clamor about what wasn't fair, made them do all the scoring and Bazinga!, I'm done. But visit his site and sign up soon.
Can you do a post on the gint-a-cuffs site that announces I'm doing a giveaway related to the box?
I'm going to let everyone that was involved in Gint-A-Cuffs 2 pick a team and I'm giving away the hits from the box. I'll get a post scheduled to go up Saturday morning.
Thanks again for all the hard work.
UPDATE: Brian just informed me that his post is scheduled for Saturday morning at 8. He lives in the great state of Texas, so you figure out which time zone that is and click accordingly.