Sunday, September 9, 2012

GAC Closed and we have a Winner

So, this year's Gint-A-Cuffs closed last week.  I took notice and failed to notify the contestants.  I figure that you're all big enough to read and know the rules.
We ended the event with two participants reporting 207 points.
207 - Ross ( Design on Deck )
207 - Play at the Plate ( Play at the Plate )
I didn't have a contingency plan for a tie.  I quickly looked to my inbox to see if bribes were offered.  Nothing outstanding.  Get it together, guys.  You want to win?  Toss something substantial my way.

Then I started to look at the actual GAC posts to see if the cards were scored correctly.  During the contest I tried not to look at GAC posts.  I don't want to be influenced in any way (except bribes - did I mention bribes enough?) if I had to make a scoring decision or ruling.  During the review I found myself chuckling a few times.  I like the cards and the way that they were presented.
I did find a scoring discrepancy in one of Ross's packs.  Pack 23, to be specific.  Ross figured:
WIN79 Mickey Mantle (NYY) -1
That card should be scored as:
-1 Any Yankees
+2 What's In A Name? 1:2 (+1 more if the player is on Your Favorite Team or +2 if it is a Favorite Player or +4 if it is Your Favorite Player) 
So it should be a +1, for a net gain of +2 for the pack (and the box).  Which places Ross as the winner with 209 points.

Ross, please contact me with your address so that I can get your prize, which is a 2012 Topps Allen & Ginter Hobby Box, graciously supplied by Topps.
My thanks to Topps for the prize, Community Gum for a great price on boxes for the participants, Spankee for the GAC IV banner, and all the participants who added to the fun.


  1. Congrats to Ross! Mark, thanks for running this again. It was a blast. Thanks to the CG Boys for supplying my box.

  2. Congrats to Ross. Mark, a suggestion. If you ever have a tie in the future, the advantage goes to the guy with the highest scoring single card. Or add up each of the tied players five highest scoring cards and determine the winner from that.

    Thanks for running this, Mark. It was fun once again.

  3. Thanks guys. I'm glad there wasn't any kind of stupidity penalty for mis-scoring your box.
